Driver de imagem e impressão HP Linux adiciona suporte ao Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Drivers HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP) suportam Ubuntu 21.10 e Debian 11
hp linux impressora

Agora, quem tem impressora da HP e usa o Ubuntu 20.04 LTS já pode contar com a versão HPLIP 3.20.5 de seu driver de imagem e impressão para sistemas operacionais baseados em Linux. Importante destacar que o driver oferece suporte a vários novos dispositivos e distribuições. Provavelmente, a maior mudança nesta última versão do HPLIP (Driver de Imagem e Impressão HP Linux) é o fato de que agora você pode instalá-lo na série de sistemas operacionais Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa), lançada recentemente.

Duas outras distribuições também são suportadas pelo HPLIP 3.20.5: o Debian GNU/Linux 10.3 “Buster” e Manjaro Linux 19.0. No entanto, não há qualquer informação se o mesmo funciona para outras versões já disponíveis como o Debian GNU/Linux 10.4 e Manjaro Linux 20.0.

Além disso, esta versão do HPLIP adiciona suporte para várias novas impressoras e scanners HP, ou dispositivos all-in-one. Isso inclui as séries HP ENVY 6000 e HP ENVY Pro 6400.

Driver de imagem e impressão HP Linux adiciona suporte ao Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Veja os modeos de impressoras suportadas:

  • A HP DeskJet 1200,
  • HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1200,
  • HP DeskJet 2300 All-in-One,
  • a HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2300 All-in-One,
  • HP DeskJet Plus 6000,
  • HP DeskJet Plus 6400,
  • Impressora HP DeskJet 2700 All-in-One,
  • impressora multifuncional HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2700,
  • a impressora multifuncional HP DeskJet Plus 4100
  • e a impressora multifuncional HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4100 também são suportadas.

Também há suporte para:

  • HP LaserJet Enterprise M610dn
  • HP LaserJet Enterprise M611dn
  • a HP LaserJet Enterprise M611x
  • HP LaserJet Enterprise M612dn
  • HP LaserJet Enterprise M612x
  • a HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M634dn
  • HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M634z
  • HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M634h MFP corporativa M635h
  • a HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M635fht
  • HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M635z
  • HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M636fh
  • e HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M636z.

Para baixar, é muito simples: basta ir lá na página da HP em que está a versão do driver HPLIP 3.20.5. Depois de acessar o site oficial, basta escolher sua distribuição GNU/Linux favorita.

Esteja ciente de que a fila de impressão do Taccola não será adicionada no Ubuntu 19.04, Ubuntu 19.10, Manjaro Linux 18.1.2 e Manjaro Linux 19.0, e essa instalação poderá falhar nas duas últimas versões do Manjaro Linux.

Como instalar a versão mais recente no Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

wget -O

Olha o que acontece:

claylson@claylson-S451LA:~$ wget -O
–2020-05-16 09:49:58–
Resolvendo (… 2801:82:80ff:8000::3,
Conectando-se a (|2801:82:80ff:8000::3|:443… conectado.
A requisição HTTP foi enviada, aguardando resposta… 200 OK
Tamanho: 25826130 (25M) [application/x-makeself]
Salvando em: “” 100%[==================>] 24,63M 5,02MB/s em 5,1s

2020-05-16 09:50:03 (4,85 MB/s) – “” salvo [25826130/25826130]

Depois, torne o arquivo executável com o seguinte comando no Terminal:

chmod +x

Finalmente, fala a instalação via Terminal com o comando a seguir:


A partir daí, você deve seguir as orientações que aparecem no Terminal para fazer a instalação de forma correta e completa, resolvendo conflitos e outras dependências.

Creating directory hplip-3.20.5
Verifying archive integrity… All good.
Uncompressing HPLIP 3.20.5 Self Extracting Archive………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.20.5)
HPLIP Installer ver. 5.1

Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

Installer log saved in: hplip-install_Sat-16-May-2020_09:50:25.log

note: Defaults for each question are maked with a ‘*’. Press <enter> to accept the default.

Automatic mode will install the full HPLIP solution with the most common options.
Custom mode allows you to choose installation options to fit specific requirements.

Please choose the installation mode (a=automatic*, c=custom, q=quit) : a

This installer will install HPLIP version 3.20.5 on your computer.
Please close any running package management systems now (YaST, Adept, Synaptic, Up2date, etc).

Distro appears to be Ubuntu 20.04.

Is “Ubuntu 20.04” your correct distro/OS and version (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y

Initializing. Please wait…

Please enter the sudoer (claylson)’s password:

Enable the universe/multiverse repositories. Also be sure you are using the Ubuntu “Main” Repositories. See: for more information. Disable the CD-ROM/DVD source if you do not have the Ubuntu installation media inserted in the drive.

Please read the installation notes. Press <enter> to continue or ‘q’ to quit:

AppArmor is installed.
AppArmor protects the application from external intrusion attempts making the application secure

Would you like to have this installer install the hplip specific policy/profile (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y


Following dependencies are not installed. HPLIP will not work if all REQUIRED dependencies are not installed and some of the HPLIP features will not work if OPTIONAL dependencies are not installed.
Package-Name Component Required/Optional
libjpeg base REQUIRED
libtool base REQUIRED
cups-devel base REQUIRED
cups-image base REQUIRED
libusb base REQUIRED
sane-devel scan REQUIRED
xsane scan OPTIONAL
dbus fax REQUIRED
libnetsnmp-devel network REQUIRED
python3-notify2 gui_qt5 OPTIONAL
python3-pyqt5-dbus gui_qt5 OPTIONAL
python3-pyqt5 gui_qt5 REQUIRED
Do you want to install these missing dependencies (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y

note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection.
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libjpeg (libjpeg – JPEG library)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libtool (libtool – Library building support services)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: cups-devel (CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: cups-image (CUPS image – CUPS image development files)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libusb (libusb – USB library)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libnetsnmp-devel (libnetsnmp-devel – SNMP networking library development files)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: python3-pyqt5 (PyQt 5- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x))
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: dbus (DBus – Message bus system)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: sane-devel (SANE – Scanning library development files)

note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection.
warning: Missing OPTIONAL dependency for option ‘gui_qt5’: python3-notify2 (Python libnotify – Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications)
warning: Missing OPTIONAL dependency for option ‘gui_qt5’: python3-pyqt5-dbus (PyQt 5 DBus – DBus Support for PyQt5)
warning: Missing OPTIONAL dependency for option ‘scan’: xsane (xsane – Graphical scanner frontend for SANE)

Network connection present.

sudo dpkg –configure -a (Pre-depend step 1)
sudo apt-get install –yes –force-yes -f (Pre-depend step 2)
sudo apt-get update (Pre-depend step 3)

Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libjpeg-dev’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libtool’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libtool-bin’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libcups2-dev’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes cups-bsd’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes cups-client’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libcupsimage2-dev’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libusb-1.0.0-dev’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libusb-0.1-4’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libsnmp-dev’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes snmp-mibs-downloader’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes python3-pyqt5’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes gtk2-engines-pixbuf’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libdbus-1-dev’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes libsane-dev’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes python3-notify2’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –assume-yes gtk2-engines-pixbuf’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Running ‘sudo apt-get install –no-install-recommends –assume-yes xsane’
Please wait, this may take several minutes…
Gtk-Message: 09:54:22.356: Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module”
HPLIP-3.20.3 exists, this may conflict with the new one being installed.
Do you want to (‘i’= Remove and Install*, ‘q’= Quit)? :i
Starting uninstallation…

9to5 Linux

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